Beware!  Yoga is Highly Dangerous

Yoga is inherently spiritual and can raise the Kundalini serpent power which is that old serpent called the devil and Satan. Although many Americans are ignorant of this, yoga is not simply physical exercise; yoga is a spiritual exercise of Hinduism that makes room for the Kundalini serpent power. Through the controlled breathing, the posture, the stillness and/or repetition, etc. the Kundalini serpent power can rise up and possess a person. A person does not have to be looking for Kundalini in order for this to happen–the yoga itself creates the conditions. Mantras, stillness, repetition, etc. (different devil worshippers use different techniques) are summons to the devil. Gurus lead their students through different protocols to help them “prepare” for this entrance of the serpent power–the Authorized Version of 1611 of the Bible reveals who that serpent is, it is Satan

Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old SERPENT, CALLED THE DEVIL, AND SATAN, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

The serpent power basically tells Hindus the same thing that Satan told Eve in the garden–“ye shall be as gods.” Who does not know that Hinduism is pantheistic (saying that “all is god”) and teaches that all people are supposedly already god but just have to realize it? The ignorant church people are getting something similar–“panentheism” (God is in everything). They are not hearkening to the Authorized Version of 1611 of the Bible and can therefore be taken by men’s words (even if those words are found in unauthorized Bible versions).

As I recall, I first heard of Kundalini awakening through an email we received in 2003.

“I have been in kundalini awakening for 10 years by a so called healer. I was very sick. So I went to a healer. Well she happened to be a shaman yogi. I was only 24 years old. I have been fighting for my life ever since the kundalini rose I can’t even begin to tell you….they say once you open your kundalini you can’t shut it. Well I have not been able to shut mine… Yoga is a very sick religion and spiritually you feel dead you were right when you said nothing good comes from Yoga. Gurus are extremely dangerous individuals. Let Christians know it could hurt your faith even just the exercise…” (see complete letter below).

I learned more about the Kundalini after researching the contemplative prayer movement that is entering the emerging church of the devil and the fallen, disobedient-to-the-scriptures churches that would not necessarily describe themselves as “emerging church”, “ancient future church”, etc. Kundalini awakening can be triggered unintentionally. Satan just waits for the conditions to be right. Some people go insane, check into mental hospitals over and over again, experience personality changes, cannot function as before, commit suicide, etc. Kundalini awakening (and counsel for leaving it behind) is discussed further in our series, “Contemplative Prayer: A Quick Road to Hell for A Disobedient Church.”

Subject: (no subject)

Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 11:07:47 -0500 (EST)


Hi Tracy,

I read your web site.  I have been in kundalini awakening for 10 years by a so-called healer.  I was very sick. So I went to a healer. Well, she happened to be a shaman yogi.  I was only 24 years old I have been fighting for my life ever since the kundalini rose I can’t even begin to tell you.  I have energy non-stop from the moment she has touched me. All I wanted to do is meditate after the energy is so strong I feel connected non-stop to the universe it is such a sad way of life I don’t even feel like I have my soul anymore. I went through dark night of the soul.  They say once you open your kundalini you can’t shut it. Well I have not been able to shut mine, but anyway I have been talking with Jesus every day that gives me some comfort. Yoga is a very sick religion and spiritually you feel dead you were right when you said nothing good comes from yoga. Gurus are extremely dangerous individuals.  Let Christians know it could hurt your faith, even just the exercise – look at Christine Grof .

Thank You

[UPDATE:  For those having issues, see

How to Get to Heaven –

The Deliverance Series –]

**********MY RESPONSE***********

Dear —-:

Greetings and thanks for writing and sharing your story.  When the Lord Jesus was on the earth, He cast out the devil.  I don’t know which Jesus you have been talking to, but the Jesus of the Bible says that you must be born again.  You need to REPENT of ALL your sins including the occult and you need to renounce all your occult connections.  Destroy all occult items including books, videos, talisman’s etc.  You also need to believe that Jesus died for you sins, was buried and that He rose again with all power in His hands.

Leave behind all your opinions and what “seems” right to you.  Seek to do the will of God alone.  Believe His word above everything else.  Let your beliefs be based on the word alone.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and let Him be the King of your life.  Don’t come to Jesus just because you want to “feel” better.  Come that He will be your LORD. He will cast out the serpent.

The devil will leave you if you do.  The devil was destroyed at Calvary. The blood of Jesus busted off every shackle of the devil that was on me and that is the truth.  You need to understand and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Please see

The Spirit of the living God will cast out Satan, but you have to belong to Jesus first.  I shall pray for you.

For Jesus’ sake,


“…they are impudent children and stiffhearted.  I do send thee unto them; and thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD.  And thou, son of man, be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns be with thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions: be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house” (Ezekiel 2:4, 6).

This article from: Jesus Jesus Christ is the ONLY Way to God